This page serves as a responsible declaration concerning Matsuzakaya Heritage's online portals such as websites, blogs, social media channels and digital applications.
The information provided on Matsuzakaya Heritage and all of its platforms is intended to serve for educative, informational and historical context. It is crucial to comprehend that this data is not designed and should not be used as a replacement for legal advice.
While we strive to keep the information current, accurate and concise; the website and its authors cannot guarantee the distinct validity of the information. Matsuzakaya Heritage, the authoring bodies, team members, associates, or any elements affiliated with us disclaim all liability in respect to the actions carried out based on the usage of the information provided on our platform.
We undertake no obligation to provide notifications of changes or updates. We reserve the right to update or modify information as earlier as necessary without any prior notice.
It is important to note that the company cannot be held liable for errors, omissions, misleading information accidentally featured or the results achieved from the utilization of this information.
The written material, graphic media, images contained within our platforms are copyrighted and cannot be used and duplicated without prior permission from the relevant authorities.
Please note that all logos, graphics, sounds, images remain the property of their respective owners. Unlawful use of these is not permitted, and we vehemently distance ourselves from the unauthorized use/s of these materials.
It is strongly advised that before relying on the information/user of this website should confirm details with each introduction and verify the accuracy of information viewed on this website.
By engaging with Matsuzakaya Heritage's components, you agree to comply with the provisions encapsulated within this Disclaimer. Throughout the lifespan of the platform these guidelines mentioned herein are subject to change and weekly surveillance for regular updates.
If you have any questions about these Terms, please Contact Us.