Matsuzakaya Heritage Privacy Policy
Matazukaya Heritage (hereafter referred to as “MH”) respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it. This Privacy Policy document outlines MH's approaches and procedures to collect, store, handle, and proceed your private data in alignment with international data protection regulations following the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). It also mentions how we use tools (Google Analytics) to collect and manage your website-user activity information.
1- Information We Collect
The type and amount of information collected by us depend solely on your engagement with our website and services. This data predominantly involves personal identification materials (name, address,email address, contact number), and daily web-traffic details, acquired through Google Analytics, such as pages visited, the amount of time spent interacting with different elements on our site, and the region from where you are using Matsuzakaya Heritage services.
2- Data Storage & Protection
All personal data provided is stored in secured and programienced servers with fitted technological and managerial controls like access restrictions, pseudonymization, and encryption wherever possible. We have implemented those measures to ensure proper safety and integrity of your personal and sensitive information against loss, alteration, and unauthorized access.
3- Use of Personal Data
The main and sole reason for MH's data utilization is to improve your overall experience within our platform. This may include using the data to provide customer service encompassing transaction execution, order confirmations, customer queries, etc. Using data can enhance elements of preferred customization on our platform. Enhanced MH communication building and merchant quality mapping is also reliant on said collected information.
4- Distribution to Third-parties
The data that MH amass will only be shared with authorized third party agencies in strict adherence to GDPR & CCPA. Presently, we only share the data with Google Analytics to record and examine user activity on our platform. Blatant disclosure of any form of your private information to conflicting factors will be faced with serious consequences.
5- User Rights
MH users' rights to their personal data include:
Access: Individuals can demand a copy of personal data obtained by us.
Rectification: You as a user have the freedom to rectify any personal information available to us in case anything seems incorrect to you.
Complete Deletion: We respect your wish to be "forgotten". Apply through your valid contact to intimate us for erasing your recorded data.
Object or Limit Processing: Our users may at any point limit MH's use of their respective data.
6- Data Security
At MH, we recognize our duty to safeguard your data. We utilize reasonable safeguards-fit managerial, technological, administrative, and physical-to promote transparency in data procurement and protection. However, despite our efforts and due diligence, no security intimate promises absolute percentage of safety against ostensible attack vectors. In the event of a data bridge/leakage, notification protocols will required executed immediately.
7- Changes to the Privacy Policy
MH reserves the right to modify or update its privacy policy when required. Material changes will be duly supplemented with corresponding notifications to these alterations. We highly recommend users reviewing our Privacy Policy time-to-time for adhered understanding and adjustment, whenever applicable.
If you have any concerns or questions please don't hesitate to Contact Us via [email protected]
We consider you appreciate considerations built in comforting and obliged substantive navigation and service utilization. Reiterating MH's commitment to data protection, grasp a acceptable hearth-space with invites to consult information regarding vivid exploration into this Privacy Policy. Soliciting mandates owned by all valuable users consistency holding a basket of private engagements.Tags