Terms and Conditions for Matsuzakaya Heritage
1. Introduction
These website standard Terms and Conditions (these "Terms" or these "Website Standard Terms and Conditions") contained herein on this webpage are applicable to your use of the Matsuzakaya Heritage website, available at (https://matsuzakayaheritage.com), all pages on this site. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using our site.
By accessing and using our website users agree to respect and adhere to these Terms. It is strictly prohibited to access or use our website if you disagree with any part of these Terms and Conditions.
2. Intellectual Property Rights
In accordance with these Terms, Matsuzakaya Heritage is the sole owner of every intellectual property right and proprietary matter contained within our site. Rights to, but not limited to our logo, graphics, visual interfaces, interactive features, texts, anywhere on Matsuzakaya Heritage is owned and controlled by us, and is primarily protected by copyright and patent laws and other intellectual property rights and unjust competition laws internationally.
Subsequently, you are not allowed to copy, imitate, alter, distribute, or gain (personally, financially, commercially, recreationally), either fully or partially any copyrighted items on our website illegally.
3. Restrictions
Visitors to our site are categorically and specifically restricted from the following:
a. Publishing website material in any media.
b. Selling, sublicensing, and/or commercializing any of our website material.
c. Use of this site in ways that impair visitors' access to the site.
d. Falsely alleging partnership or endorsement related to our website material/site.
e. Using this site in an adverse, illegal manner or any manner that could bring harm.
Kindly review our Privacy Policy to see our website’s data collection procedures and protocols.
5. No warranties
Matsuzakaya Heritage site, applications, content, all related services are presented as we found and created them, without absolutely no warranties, explicit or implied. Thus, we won't assume responsibility should our site and servers suffer data loss, offensive incidents, interruption, data theft committed by external third parties and more.
Also, there lay no certainty that:
a. The Site/Subscriptions shall always satisfy your requirements.
b. The Site/Subscriptions will regularly function in an error-free or uninterrupted manner.
c. The results that arise from Site/Subscriptions use shall be accurate and/or reliable.
6. Disclaimer/Limitation of Liability
The Matsuzakaya Heritage site, subsidiaries, stakeholders, employees are thus not liable in incurrence for absolute and powerful remedies supposed by users, if indicated by cap-trending shrubs, professionally legal parties, in part emerging from the 'End User'd direct interaction with us.
7. Indemnification
You the user will indemnify and comply with Matsuzakaya Heritage and its owned occupant affair to subsidiary measures against losses, costs, damages, litigations, organisms of terms including legs renditions, alleging or originating from the occupation or affiliation of our place.
8. Severability
If any part or subsystem of accordance these demands deems unlawful and unable, the uneffective factor will transfer into facilitated form to become nurturing and cordially facilitate.
9. Revision of Terms
We can change, refresh, replace, revise the Terms, on an as-needed basis. We thus prevail on you to reread periodically ensuring you remove from outdated to current material.
10. Governing Law & Jurisdiction
Jurisdiction and governing laws are dependent on organization locations. In selecting our jurisdiction process, it means any lawsuit will be directly inclined towards the region and controlled by our jurisdiction.
By using this site, you regard these conformance ties and, furthermore, oversee that any court order claim, setback, bearing in mind the ultimate objective of prosecution received will accompany the pervasive civil course of court.
The above outlined terms directly details the broad terms and conditions of delegate things. If any more information or provisions are needed, kindly set up a case system in correspondence to us at: [email service].
We want to ease your burden. Contact Us for any queries.